Poetry problem #4: "Create three “poetry problems” that are more interesting and challenging than the best of the problems I’ve given you so far".
When I was thinking of these poetry problems I tried to focus on what I would enjoy doing for a poetry assignment. I tried to make these so someone doing them would have a lot of fun and also be really engaged with a poem.
1. Find a poem (or if you can’t find one you like, write one) that you feel suits your favorite fictional character. Post it to your blog and provide an explanation as to why you chose it.
2. This is an assignment that involves the whole group: Together the group will write a poem. Each person will write eight lines. The first person will write the first eight lines and then show only the last three lines of their section for the next person to look over and expand upon for their eight line section. This cycle will continue until everyone has written their section and then the sections are put together to reveal the final poem.
3. Choose one of the authors we have talked about this semester and one of their poems. Then re-write their bio and poem in another style. It could be in the style of another author (e.g. Milton’s Paradise Lost invocation in the style of Dr. Seuss) or any other style (e.g.the style of a script of an episode of the Real Housewives). Anything goes with this poetry problem.